


Olmo Amato

DEEP BLUE – Cyanotypes of Artificial Intelligence In 1997, Deep Bluebecame the first computer to defeat the reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. Today, new...
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Francesco Amorosino

Fantastic Voyage Almostevery day the discovery of new exoplanets is announced, making it clear that our solar system is not something special, but one among...
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Alessandro Bavari

  Unknown Quantum Objects It is believed that the presence of additional dimensions, beyond the three established space-time dimensions, could provide an explanation for some...
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Giorgio de Finis

Space Metropoliz A project looking at the moon and sending virtual images of it… Curated by Giorgio de Finis. This is the photo that reached...
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Antonello Ferrara

  La nuvola inconsapevole Within the restraints of our fast-paced social era, we move through a variety of landscapes without actually experiencing them nor learning...
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Michele Marinucci

  Phantasmagoria Placing your eyes on a microscope is like boarding a space shuttle. A moment to regain balance and focus, and you are ready...
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Robin Meier

  Materia Attiva Active Matter is a term borrowed from physics to describe large groups of animals as a kind of liquid, building on theories...
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Sara Munari

  1499 – Oculo magico In Brivio, Italy, during ongoing excavations for the reconstruction of the Baldassarre bridge over the Adda, a wooden box was...
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Claudio Orlandi

  Ultimate landscapes Claudio Orlandi was born in Rome, where he lives and works, traveling in Italy and abroad to capture landscapes. For over ten...
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Katia Rossi

  Cosmo The Collages of Katia Rossi What does the technique of collage teach us? It is encapsulated in a dual process of deconstruction and...
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