Project Info
Project Description
1499 – Oculo magico
In Brivio, Italy, during ongoing excavations for the reconstruction of the Baldassarre bridge over the Adda, a wooden box was found bearing the inscription ‘Leonardus Vincius, ut in aestate de MCDXCIX, cum Salai’ (Leonardo da vinci, a summer with Salaino).
During the opening, the small chest was shattered. However, the documents found inside have been saved. Some pages of those are presumed to be Leonardo Da Vinci’s studies. Pages from the diary of Salaino, Leonardo’s pupil and assistant, some wooden objects that could be models of a portable camera obscura and images (apparently photographic) representing men, places and landscapes and Leonardo da Vinci himself.
If the documents and objects found corresponded to each other and their actual provenance was ascertained, the history of photography should be rewritten and the discovery of the reproduction of images from life, it would be traced back to centuries earlier than the date of 1827, which we all know. Some details of the private life of the greatest genius in history have been revealed, thanks to the words of the diary of Leonardo’s disciple, who wrote down thoughts in a small diary.
Sara Munari was born in Milan, Italy. Her work is related to photography has taken her around the world.
Sara’s work has been on display throughout Italy and other parts of Europe, and has been featured in numerous art galleries, festivals, and contemporary art museums. Further, she has received many national and international awards.
Through continuous research, Sara passionately develops visual stories that begin with a systematic photography base. With further development, these works become more crystalized due to the contamination of various multi-media outlets.
Sara is also a Professor of History of Photography, and Visual Communication at the Italian Institute of Photography of Language and Construction. She is also an art juror and portfolio reviewer for National Awards and various art festivals. Sara has written five books on photography theory and has published four books on her own artwork.In 2019 Sara opened Musa Fotografia, a center for art-courses, presentations, exhibitions, and allmost everything related to photography, The center is located in Monza, Italy.
As well as continuing to explore her own work, Sara participates in many art conferences and is an authority for specialized art courses related to the history of photography and the studio practice as a photographic medium.Sara has fun with all aspects of photography, loves and respects it.